Women's WellnessDr. Emmanuela Wolloch was a requested Guest Speaker at The Chai Lifeline South East / Miami Children’s Hospital Event “Finding the best you: A Women’s Wellness Experience” on December 3rd, 2014.

Thank you card reads:

Dear Dr. Wolloch,
On behalf of the Children and families of Chai Lifeline Southeast and The Victor Center at Miami Children’s Hospital, we would like to thank you for participating in “Finding the best you: A Woman’s Wellness Experience.”

We appreciate the time you took to prepare your presentations, your outstanding delivery and for sharing your professional expertise with us. The feedback we received from all the participants has been very postivie and they are greatful for all that they learned. We look forward to a continued friendship with you.

With Heartfelt gratitude,

Ellen Weiss, MSW, Director Outreach Chai Lifeline SE

Deborah Wasserman, MS, Coordinator / Genetic Counselor Victor Center for the prevention of Jewish Genetic Diseases